On this page you can download the latest detailed neighbourhood map of Ørestad, find the tourist app for all of Copenhagen, get inspired by thematic routes through Ørestad and browse a list of local clubs and associations.
This is the ultimate local neighbourhood map of Ørestad. It shows you the places you need to know about as a local - whether you work or live in Ørestad. Download the map right here and get the full overview.
The neighborhood map features places across four different categories:
Food & Drink
Shops & Services
Body & Fitness
Leisure & Play
Latest update: August 2024.
Other maps
tourist map
On this app of Copenhagen you will find a handpicked selection of a few places in Ørestad worth exploring if you are visiting Copenhagen for just a short amount of time.
Download the app by clicking the image.
architecture map
Download the app from Danish Architecture Center (DAC) to discover some of the architectural beacons of Ørestad. The app offers an interactive map featuring noteworthy buildings, their locations and the story behind them.
Click the image to download the app.
Stop scrolling and start strolling. Get inspired by a thematic route through Ørestad and discover places that match your specific interests and moods.
More routes will be added, so make sure to check out this page when you are in need of new experiences and a bit of exercise.
Bicycle sightseeing route
Ride along the still rising skyline and through small paths in Nature Park Amager. Experience award-winning architecture providing innovative solutions to everyday challenges and newly developed residential areas focusing on sustainability.
The full route is 20 kilometers long and takes you through much of Copenhagen. 7 out of 12 experiences along the route are located in Ørestad.
View the route on an online map and download the GPS navigation file by clicking the button below.
Architecural bicycle routes
Rambøll has laid out two bicycle routes for those who would like to explore the outstanding architecture in and around Ørestad. You may try out the shorter route that covers Ørestad City and South or the longer route (about 3 hours) that also brings you to Ørestad North and the Harbourfront.
day trip to ørestad
Welcome to Ørestad - the oldest of the new districts in Copenhagen. This route serves as your guide for a day trip to Ørestad and takes you through most of the neighbourhoods.
We have handpicked a few suggestions for unique places to go and tailored them into an exciting route with nature, modern architecture, culture, parks, shopping and restaurants. With 9 stops thoughout the day, your trip to Ørestad are already planned from morning to evening.
Get the route by clicking the button, linking to the swedish (translatable) webpage ‘CLUB Øresund’.
new routE on its way…
Browse though the list of clubs and associations in Ørestad to see if you want to take up a spare time activity and meet new people.
Chess: Ørestad Skak Klub - Tournaments, classes for beginners and experienced
Ice skating: Ørestad Skøjteklub - Ice skating for children and adults
Running: Ørestad Løbeklub - Group running workouts
Sports club: Ørestad IF - Football, handball, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, dance, fitness, combat
Swimming: Ørestad Svømmeklub - Swimming classes for all ages at all levels
Taekwondo: Ørestad Taekwondo Klub - Taekwondo for children (8+) and adults
Yoga: Spring Yoga (Ørestad IF) - Yoga classes
culture and hobby
Film/movie: Ørestad Filmklub - Film shows, discussions, film productions for beginners and experienced
Knitting/crochet: Strikkeklub Ørestad - Knitting projects, social gatherings, workshops
Knitting/crochet: Strikke/hækle folket i Ørestad - Knitting and crochet projects, social gatherings, workshops
Litterature: Ørestad Læseklub - Book debates, meetings with writers, reading groups
Photography: Ørestad Fotogruppe - Photo-tours, workshops and exhibitions
outdoor life
Roof farming: Asgers Have - Upcoming urban farming on the roof of P-hus Asger Jorn (open for membership)
music and theatre
Classical music: Hørestad - Ørestad Klassiske Musikfestival - Festival and association
Music/art: Ørestad Musikskole / Kunstskole - Cheramics, music lessons and singing for children
Choir/music: Ørestad Kor | Facebook - Choir for enthusiastic amateur singers
Help/community: Foreigners Safer-Space - For immigrants, internationals, foreigners and everyone who wants to offer support. In this safer-space you can find help, inspiration, community and support.
Citizens’ association: Ørestad Syd Borgerforening - Representing citizens’ interests in Ørestad South
Keep up and learn more about Ørestad. We have gathered af few media that might be relevant for everyone living and/or working in Ørestad.
Local News: Ørestad Avis (translatable online)
Facebook: Ørestad (public group on Facebook with 20k members)
Calender of events: Mit Ørestad
Instagram: This is Ørestad
LinkedIn: Ørestad Innovation City Copenhagen (ØICC’s business oriented LinkedIn)